THE POWER OF GRATITUDE Have you ever wondered how saying “thank you” can have a positive effect on your health and the well-being of others? Have you ever thought about the cause of your happiness? What makes you happy and others around you? We will try to understand this in this article. Be free to leave a comment on your point on this concept. Researchers have shown in the last decades that sharing your thoughts of gratitude for someone or performing any act of kindness can significantly boost your mood. It can recover your health also. pic courtesy: Reader's Digest “ We know from studies that gratitude really does have an impact on happiness, that it increases life satisfaction ”, says Willibald Ruch, a psychology professor at the University of Zurich,“ It’s among the top five predictors of happiness” , says professor Ruch who researches the effect of character strengths such as gratitude and humor. Embracing gratitude can do miracles in your life. Here’s how: REA...